Thursday, 27 September 2007

Long time - no see (& a few updates)

As of this summer I've been made grandfather. My eldest son and his wife got a son, who in the beginning of September was christened Nathaniel in a fine ceremony held i Landskrona, Sweden.
A bevy of family and friends was there and had a fine day - the little man was more interested in having dinner appointments with his mum and then a nap, another dinner and yet another nap &.... More of his merits to come, shortly more pictures too.

I've been away from my blog for quite some time. I have had some pressing (problems) to attend to. Suffice it to say, that I'm back at the keyboard and will blog true to the headings on the blog: rants 'n' raves, interests and so forth.

On another note: a couple of weeks ago we lost our cat. Old age (17 yrs) in conjunction with weak kidneys put an end to her life. So hard and sad to hold her for the last time knowing the vet's syringe would not make her well, but instead put an end to her life!!
We miss her so much. Her ways and habits were a fixture of our daily life, summer and winter, whether at home or in the summer-cottage, which she loved very much, hunting mice, watching birds knowing they were as unattainable to her as a Ferrari is to us. No more shall our black, feline friend greet us when we come home from work or demand her various tidbits during the day, tiny bits of cheese for instance during evening tea.


Richard said...

I see you like languages. I see too, that you aren´t interesting in Spanish. Why?

I´ve found you because, I like Gustave Flaubert... I saw in your profile that you like too...

My name is Ricardo, Richard in English. I live in the North of Spain. I only speak spanish and a little of english, enough to understand you.
I have a blog:, but it´s in spanish.

I never have written to a danish.

Congratulations for your grandchild.

Jørn Wennerstrøm said...

Muchas gracias, Ricardo
Sorry - I cannot reply in Spanish other than this. I like Spanish too - plus a host of other languages - but a lifetime is not enough to learn in. Maybe when I retire I'll have a go at Spanish as well.
My grandson is doing well 15 months of age. I'll pop a photo of him.